Friday 30 August 2013

looking good at 40

Do you wish you still looked the way you looked in your 20s or even your 30s? At 40 you stop producing as much oestrogen. This reduces the amount of collagen and elastin in you skin. As a result of this, your skin holds less moisture. At 40 your skin needs more moisture and exfoliate. Follow these instructions for a more beautiful you .  

Don't go to bed with your makeup on: Preventing  stains on your pillow isn't the only reason there is, to remove your makeup before you go to sleep. Its very vital to remove all traces of makeup before going to bed. Any residual makeup will clog your pores, leading to skin problems. 
Sleep on pillows with satin pillowcases: Aside from feeling soft and comfortable, they do justice to your face. facial lines in the morning aren't fun nor attractive; and the older you get, the less collagen your body produces. So your skin isn't as elastic as it once was; therefore, it doesn't snap back as quickly when you pull your cheek or arm. If you see sleep lines when  you wake up especially when you sleep on your side or stomach(face down), try sleeping on your back(face up) and if you can't just seem to get comfortable that way without flipping over at some point, then you need satin pillowcases... It causes little or no facial lines.
Apply face cream and eye cream to you face every night after you wash your face: When you use a face cream, you are jump starting your skin collagen production for a healthier and more beautiful skin. Also, you must know that one of the earliest signs off aging actually occurs around the eyes. This area is susceptible to fine lines and wrinkles because the skin around the eye is very delicate. As  you age, your skin produces less collagen and looses its elasticity as well which results in decreased suppleness and causes dark circles ,puffiness, wrinkles and fine lines. So all these issues will continue to worsen unless action is taken to fight them! the only favour you can do yourself is to invest in a skin care regimen that  includes taking care of your eyes and face.
With such a wide variety of eye products to choose from, you could be in a dilemma on what to choose. Watch out for my post on eye creams next week, It promises to be more detailed.                     
Exfoliate on a regular basis: Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and leaves your skin feeling smoother, healthier and softer. Too much though can be bad for your skin; that is why its recommended 2-3 times a week.
 I hope you find this post helpful.*winks*


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